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The datasource() method feeds data to your PowerGrid Table.

You can find this method inside your PowerGrid file (e.g. DishTable.php).

Example of usage with an Eloquent Model:

public function datasource(): ?Builder
  return Dish::query(); 
public function datasource(): ?Builder
  return Dish::query(); 

You can also load Relationships. See the following example:

public function datasource(): ?Builder
  return Dish::query()->with('kitchen'); 
public function datasource(): ?Builder
  return Dish::query()->with('kitchen'); 


datasource supports these types of returns:

  • Eloquent Builder - \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder::class
  • Query Builder - \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::class
  • Collection - \Illuminate\Support\Collection::class
  • array - native array

Custom Primary Key

By default, PowerGrid uses the field id as your Model's primary key.

If your model uses a custom primary key, you must configure the property $primaryKey in your PowerGrid component.

The next example uses the column custom_id as primary key.

final class RestaurantsTable extends PowerGridComponent
    use ActionButton;

    public string $primaryKey = 'restaurants.custom_id'; 
    public string $sortField = 'restaurants.custom_id'; 

final class RestaurantsTable extends PowerGridComponent
    use ActionButton;

    public string $primaryKey = 'restaurants.custom_id'; 
    public string $sortField = 'restaurants.custom_id'; 


Join Tables

Some features like Column sortable() or Column Filters may require you to join your relationship in your Datasource. This will make the relationship table fields available in the same result row.

The following example shows how to join the categories relationship:

public function datasource(): ?Builder
  return Dish::query()
            ->join('categories', function ($categories) { 
                $categories->on('dishes.category_id', '=', '');
                ' as category_name',
public function datasource(): ?Builder
  return Dish::query()
            ->join('categories', function ($categories) { 
                $categories->on('dishes.category_id', '=', '');
                ' as category_name',

Keys conflict

You might encounter a conflict between primary keys using the same field name (E.g, id).

To fix this problem, declare your $primaryKey and $sortField properties as the example shows:

public string $primaryKey = '';
public string $sortField = '';
public string $primaryKey = '';
public string $sortField = '';

Sort by join column

If you need to sort by a column that is in another table, you can add the table name along with the column. (E.g,

public function columns(): array
      Column::make(__('Category'), 'category_name', ''),
public function columns(): array
      Column::make(__('Category'), 'category_name', ''),

Created By Luan Freitas and DanSysAnalyst