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Create a PowerGrid Table


You must have PowerGrid installed and properly configured before proceeding.

Create Command

To create a PowerGrid table, run the following command:

php artisan powergrid:create
php artisan powergrid:create

Now, just answer each question presented by the wizard.

Component Name

Enter the name of your new PowerGrid Component.

Give a name to your PowerGrid Table component.

If you wish to create your component in a subdirectory, just enter the directory path. For example: Tables/Dishes/DishTable.

If your application is organized in a different architecture (E.g, Domain-Driven Design), proceed to read more on how to configure Component's Custom Namespace.

In this example, let's create a component called DishTable.

  > php artisan powergrid:create
     __     ____                          ______     _     __
    / /_,  / __ \____ _      _____  _____/ ____/____(_)___/ /
    /_ ,' / /_/ / __ \ | /| / / _ \/ ___/ / __/ ___/ / __  / 
    /'   / ____/ /_/ / |/ |/ /  __/ /  / /_/ / /  / / /_/ /  
        /_/    \____/|__/|__/\___/_/   \____/_/  /_/\__,_/     

  What is the name of your Table Component? ───────────────────┐
  > php artisan powergrid:create
     __     ____                          ______     _     __
    / /_,  / __ \____ _      _____  _____/ ____/____(_)___/ /
    /_ ,' / /_/ / __ \ | /| / / _ \/ ___/ / __/ ___/ / __  / 
    /'   / ____/ /_/ / |/ |/ /  __/ /  / /_/ / /  / / /_/ /  
        /_/    \____/|__/|__/\___/_/   \____/_/  /_/\__,_/     

  What is the name of your Table Component? ───────────────────┐

Component Datasource

Indicate if your component will use an Eloquent Builder, Query Builder or a Collection as data source.

Our example uses the Dish Eloquent Builder, so we choose accordingly.

  What type of data source will you use? ──────────────────────┐
    Eloquent Builder                                         
     Query Builder                                            
  What type of data source will you use? ──────────────────────┐
    Eloquent Builder                                         
     Query Builder                                            

Component's Eloquent Model

Following our example, select a Model to be linked to your Component.

By default, PowerGrid suggest Eloquent Models placed in the default path app/Models.

If your application is organized in a different architecture (E.g, Domain-Driven Design), continue to read more about how to configure Auto-Discover Models.

In this example, let's select the Dish Eloquent Model under the FQN App\Models\Dish.

  Select a Model or enter its Fully qualified name. ───────────┐
 │› App\Models\Dish                                             
  Select a Model or enter its Fully qualified name. ───────────┐
 │› App\Models\Dish                                             

Fillable Columns

PowerGrid can create columns based on your Model's fillable property.

Supported databases are: MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite.

If desirable, select yes to use this feature.


If you don't use the id column as the primary key, you should make sure your model is protected $primaryKey = null;

  Create columns based on Model's fillable property? ──────────┐
 │ ● Yes / ○ No                                                 │
  Create columns based on Model's fillable property? ──────────┐
 │ ● Yes / ○ No                                                 │

All done

Now you may follow PowerGrid's indication on how to use your newly created component.

You will see something similar to the example below.

  DishTable was successfully created at [app/Livewire/DishTable.php].

 💡 include the DishTable component using the tag: <livewire:dish-table/>
  DishTable was successfully created at [app/Livewire/DishTable.php].

 💡 include the DishTable component using the tag: <livewire:dish-table/>

Component's Custom Namespace

By default, PowerGrid will create components following the location specified under Livewire's Config Key livewire.class_namespace.

To adjust the configuration, run: php artisan livewire:publish --config to publish the file config/livewire.php.

The example below changes the namespace to "Domain".


    | Class Namespace

    'class_namespace' => 'Domain',

    | Class Namespace

    'class_namespace' => 'Domain',

Now, your components will be created inside the top /Domain directory.

The next example will create a component ClientList inside the path /Domain/Client/Tables

  > php artisan powergrid:create

  What is the name of your Table Component? ───────────────────┐
  > php artisan powergrid:create

  What is the name of your Table Component? ───────────────────┐

Resulting in:

  ClientList was successfully created at [Domain/Client/Tables/ClientList.php].

 💡 include the ClientList component using the tag: <livewire:client.tables.client-list/>
  ClientList was successfully created at [Domain/Client/Tables/ClientList.php].

 💡 include the ClientList component using the tag: <livewire:client.tables.client-list/>

Auto-Discover Models

By default, PowerGrid auto discovers Models living in the directory app/Models/.

If your application is organized in a different architecture (E.g, Domain-Driven Design), you may add other directory paths inside the configuration key livewire-powergrid.auto_discover_models_paths in PowerGrid's configuration file.

The example below adds the main directory /Domain to be scanned for Eloquent Models.


    | Auto-Discover Models
    | PowerGrid will search for Models in the directories listed below.
    | These Models be listed as options when you run the
    | "artisan powergrid:create" command.

    'auto_discover_models_paths' => [

    | Auto-Discover Models
    | PowerGrid will search for Models in the directories listed below.
    | These Models be listed as options when you run the
    | "artisan powergrid:create" command.

    'auto_discover_models_paths' => [

As a result, when creating a PowerGrid component, all Models under /Domain will be available in the select list.

  Select a Model or enter its Fully qualified name. ───────────┐
 │› Domain\Dish\Models\Dish                                     
  Select a Model or enter its Fully qualified name. ───────────┐
 │› Domain\Dish\Models\Dish                                     

Using Stubs

PowerGrid can have multiple stubs, follow this step:

  • Publish
  • Make the changes
  • Rename if necessary
  • Use it using --template when creating

Publish command


If you need to create multiple stubs, be sure to rename them before publishing.

php artisan powergrid:publish --type=stub
php artisan powergrid:publish --type=stub

Create with template

--template=full location of the stub template

php artisan powergrid:create --template=stubs/table.model.stub
php artisan powergrid:create --template=stubs/table.model.stub

Created By Luan Freitas and DanSysAnalyst